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The following list of the freshman class is as complete and accurate as can be arranged from the returns thus far made at the college office. No specials are included in the list.
Abbe, T, 3 Divinity
Adams, E L Jr, 68 Mt Auburn St
Adams, I S, 20 Holyoke St
Ames, W, 8 Manter Hall
Allen, H V D, 2 Phillips Pl
Allen, T F, 1734 Cambridge St
Allis, G, 38 North Ave
Arnold, E K, 10 Frisbee Pl
Bach, E S, 44 Brattle St
Bacon, C E, West Medford, Mass
Bacon, N S, 28 Harris St
Baker, C H, 15 Warland Block
Barker, N N, 48 Linnaen St
Barnum, S, 25 Divinity
Bartlett, F H, 9 Story St
Bartlett, G G, 27 Matthews
Bass, A M, 21 Hastings
Batelle, S, 30 Holyoke
Bathrick, H A, 68 College
Beard, I M, 39 Divinity
Bechhold, M,
Benedict, E, 37 Divinity
Benshimol, M, 570 Cambridge St
Bent, N, 52 Concord Ave
Bigelow, L M, 63 Sparks St
Billings, A W K, 2 Clinton St
Binder, M, 44 Mt Auburn St
Bingham, N W, 56 Matthews
Blodgett, K, 7 Bow St
Bosler, F C, 11 Quincy Hall
Bowser, C B, Wakefield, Mass
Boyden, A J, 15 12 Shepard St
Brennan, J W, 15 12 Shepard St
Brewster, J A, 23 Stoughton
Brice, W K, 26 Holyoke St
Briggs, W M, 3 Hastings
Brookings, W D B, 14 Warland Block
Browsseau, W G, 184 Friend St
Brown, E, Worcester, Mass
Brown, H T, 17 Divinity
Brown, H W, Brookline, Mass
Bryant, E L, 31 Hollis
Buck, S B, 57 College House
Bull, H A, 36 Felton
Bullard, A W, 97 Pembroke St
Burgess, F, Hotel Worcester
Burke, W E, 16 Hollis
Butler, W A, Dorchester, Mass
Cameron, W H, 54 Matthews
Capen R T, 27 Grays
Carman, A B, 56 Mt Auburn St
Carr, L E, Jr, 40 Kirkland St
Cassatt, R K, 68 Mt Auburn St
Caswell, J, 30 Hilton
Caswell, W W, 26 Hilton
Cate, W E, 93 Chestnut St
Chamberlin, H H, 5 Hilton
Chase, J H, 34 C H
Christian, G C, 12 Quincy Hall
Church, E B, 10 Oxford St
Clapp, F W, 473 Broadway St
Clapp, G I, 15 Hollis
Cockrell, E. 10 Appian Way
Coffin, F B, 26 Garden St
Coffin, H R, 31 Matthews
Collins, W D, Melrose, Mass
Conant, E B, 40 Thayer
Connelly, J E. 7 Bow St
Cook, R B, 7 Appleton St
Cooley, A W, 7 Manter
Coolidge, J L, 739 Cambridge St
Coonley, J S, 57 Hastings
Corbett, J, 12 Kirkland St
Corson, H C, 247 Pearl St
Cornish, A H, 9 Dana St
Coues, R W, 14 Ash St
Crandon, L R G, 49 College
Crane, E R,
Cressey, P H, 30 Felton
Crompton, G, 8 Little
Cross, A L, 68 College
Cummings, F H, 69 Thayer
Curtis, P, 2 Hilton.
Cutler, W W, 11 Warland Block
Dodge, Edwin Sherill, 17 W H
Dodge, Waltham Phillips, Jr, 23 Math
Dreyfus, Carl, 35 Felton
Driver, W R, Jr, 890 Main St
Dudley, Howland, 24 Avon Hill St
Dunton, L W, 19 Matthews
Earle, S C, Somerville
Eddy, F L, 37 Holyoke
Eddy, S F, 22 Hilton
Edes, A W, 11 Mellen Street
Edgett, E F, Somerville
Edmunds, G, 880 Main St
Elliot, F S, 59 Brattle
Ellsworth, S A, 32 Wendell St
Emerson, W, 96 Prescott St
Emmons, R W, 10 Holyoke
Emons, P F, 68 Mt Auburn St
Emott, J T, 1686 Cambridge St
Everett, E, 2 Little
Fairbank, W, 28 Little
Fairlie, J A, 35 College House
Fallon, F A, 9 Felton
Techheimer, S M, 36 Hastings
Fenollosa, S K, 19 Divinity
Fenton, D W, 24 Felton
Fiske, J L, 46 Thayer
Flandran, C M, 60 Brattle St
Floyd, R, 25 Holyoke St
Forbes, E W, 34 Thayer
Forsyth, A, Somerville
Foss, L F, 39 Weld
Fox, R K,
Frazier, H, 4 Arrow St
French, C S, 3 Hastings
Frisbee, F S,
Gardner, R R, 1 Foxcroft
Gebring, H A, 12 Kirkland Place
Gillmore, F, Charlestown
Gilman, F L, 20 Thayer
Gilman, R, 32 Hawthorn St
Gilman, W L F, Allston
Gilsey, H, Jr, 8 Quincy
Glidden, J W, 894 Main St
Goodwin, E H, 39 Grays
Goodwin, J W, 93 Chestnut St
Gould, C A, 4 Manter
Grant, V, 16 Divinity
Gray, R, 6 Manter
Green, E H, 54 Garfield St
Green, J, Jr, 17 Weld
Greenough, W E, 51 Ellery St
Greenbery, M E,
Greene, D C, Jr, 8 Story St
Grew, R C, 31 Beck
Grinnell, F W, 30 Holyoke
Hamilton, G L, 26 Felton
Hancock, J C, 21 Holyoke
Hanson, J C, 51 Ellery
Harrison, R W, 25 Holyoke St
Hartwell, H F, 36 Holyoke
Harvey, L R, 9 Francis Ave
Hayward, N, 10 Holyoke
Heard, J L, 26 Holyoke St
Henry, H H, 410 Harvard St
Hicks, R C, 50 Winthrop St
Highland, A A, 40 Kirkland St
Hill, F B, 300 Harvard
Hisa, M, 13 Trowbridge Place
Hitch, J C D, 5 Foxcroft
Hobson, A L, 50 Hastings
Hogg, G, 36 Matthews
Hogg, W F, 36 Matthews
Holbrook, B, 39 College House
Holmes, E J, 35 Hilton
Hooper, S R, 15 Hollis
How, L, 1750 Cambridge St
Howard, C T, 18 College House
Hughes, T B, Brighton, Mass
Huntington, E V, 15 1-2 Shepard St
Hyman, M S, 23 Felton
Ikeda, S, 37 Trowbridge
Irving, O D, Jr, 14 Felton
Jackson, A L, 17 Follen St
James, E, 23 Beck
James, E H, 96 Prescott
Jameson, H W, 2 Foxcroft
Johnson, A C, 30 Felton
Johnson, F, 378 Harvard St
Johnson, R H, 10 Oxford
Jones, F C, So Boston
Kaufman, J G, 70 College House
Kaven, G A, 409 Broadway
Kellogg, G. C, 2 Holworthy
Kimball, T R, 7 Linden St
King, D, 362 Harvard St
Kingsley, C W, 10 Chester St
Keein, E, 42 Mt Auburn St
Knapp, E R, 40 Kirkland St
Lockey, W A, 31 Irving St
Lambert, E B, 26 Holyoke
Laughton, N H, So Boston
Lawton, S A, 7 Grays
Learoyd, A S, 33 Grays
Le Clear, G, 862 Main St
Leichtentritt, H, 12 Shepard St
Lemke, O A, 61 College House
Leslie, Avon W, 8 Appian Way
Lincoln, A, 14 Littles Block
Lincoln, G L, 23 Divinity
Lindsey, E, 7 Divinity
Linder, A H, 408 Harvard St
Line, A M, 17 Mt Auburn St
Livermore, T L, 69 Mt Auburn St
Lodge, G C, 16 Quincy Block
Loker, H W, 8 College House
Lombard, P H, 31 Beck
Lothrop, T K, 52 Brattle St
Lowell, F E, 739 Cambridge
Lyman, W, 10 Felton
McAdams, P S, Somerville
McCarthy, J J, Chelsea
McGerr, F F, Somerville
Mackie, W C, 13 Hollis
McNear, S B, 19 Holworthy
Mac Veagh, 9 Linden St
Malone W L, 3 Felton
Mann, A, 862 Main St
Manning, R L, 1716 Cambridge
Marsh, C R, 4 Quincy
Martin, G A, 1750 Camb. St
Mason, D G, 14 Matthews
de Mauriac, P H, 13 Holyoke
May, V H, 9 Gray
Meader, J H, 52 Thayer
Mellus, E, 28 College House
Merrill, E G, 40 Hastings
Merrill, E W D, Boston
Miller, D D, 10 Weld
Molloy, J E, 52 Mt Auburn St
Morrison, C J, 862 Main St
Mills, C H
Morse, A M, 34 Hastings
Mott-Smith, E A, 26 Felton
Munroe, F C, 100 Mt Auburn St
Murchie, G G, 40 Hastings
Nash, F H, West Acton, Mass
Nelson, H P, 31 Grays
Newcomb, W S, 11 Mason St
Newell, G S T, Jr, 14 Divinity Hall
Newman, A H, 20 Littles
Nichols, P, 2 Felton
Ninde, L J, 50 a Kirkland St
Noon, P G, 9 Warland St
Norton, J L, Jr, 21 Holyoke
Noyes, C E, 7 Ware St
Odiorne, W B, 287 Harvard St
Osborne, W H, 9 Story St
Ostheimer, A J Jr, 20 Prescott St
Parker, T, 27 Holyoke
Patten, W S, 9 Holyoke
Patterson, A M, Jr, 13 Hilton
Peabody, W R, 26 Holyoke
Perry, E L, Dorchester
Peters, A J, Jr, 17 Hilton's
Phelan, J P, 20 Holyoke St
Phillips, S W 19 Divinity Hall
Pier, A S, 4 Arrow St
Pierce, C S, 12 Oxford St
Pillsbury, H D, 6 Foxcroft
Pinkham, A M, Boston
Pitts, R S, 18 College House
Pooe, E H, 14 Felton
Poole, F C, Somerville
Porter, J F, 10 Remington St
Potter, A, 43 Beck
Potter, A C
Potter, M A, 782 Main St
Powers, W W, 7 Shepherd's
Pray, J S, 13 Hillard St
Preston, W A, Jr, 54 Trowbridge St
Priest, B S,
Proctor, T E, 7 Little's
Purdon, J, 30 Holyoke
Quick, O, 42 Mt Auburn St
Quigley, J G, 866 Main St
Raymond, R L, 410 Harvard St
Read, J B, 55 Appleton St
Reed, B,
Reed, W H, 51 Ellery St
Rhodes, D P,
Rockwell, W W, 6 Acacia St
Roess, L J, 7 Bow St
Rogers, W C, Boston
la Rose, P, 14 Wathews
Rowe, J C, 54 Mt Auburn St
Richardson, H H, 15 Little's
Richardson, T, 25 Holyoke St
Ringwalt, R C, 880 Main St
Russell, A J.
Ryerson, E W, 746 Cambridge St
Sand, H A L, 44 Holyoke
Sargent, J, Jr, 14 Hilton Blk
Schaffner, A B, 7 Foxcroft
Schereschewsky, J W, 69 Brattle St
Scull, Max L, 39 Brattle St
Severance, W E, Lynn, Mass
Shackford, M A C, 42 College House
Sharples, P P, 22 Concord Ave
Shaw, C A, 51 Thayer
Sheldon, W H, 8 College House
Shurman, G H, 17 Little's
Simonds, H R, 9 Little's
Sleeper, H A, Boston
Smith, C E, 6 Story St
Smith, C G, 5 Revert St
Smith, G L, 94 Brattle St
Smith, H W, Dorchester
Smith, J A, Somerville
Smith, J C 23 Little's
Snell, H L W 19 Thayer
Snow, F S, 40 Grays
Soutter, L, 17 Hastings
Spalding, T, 45 Thayer
Spencer, H B, 25 Holyoke St
Stackpole, J L, Jr, 6 Manter
Starlk, O, 54 Mt Auburn St
Stark, W E, 38 Linnaean St
Stevens, W W
Sterenson, W W
Stevenson, A F, Jr, 746 Cambridge st
Stickney, J T, 12 Oxford St
Stiger, E T, 23 Irving St
Sylvester, J B, 56 Matthews
Teele, A P, 36 Holyoke
Thomas, R K, 50 Brattle St
Thomas, V S, 9 Francis Ave
Thompson, F P, 23 Holyoke House
Tiffany, D, Jr, 18 Appian Way
Tileston, W, 4 Grays
Tooker, D, 1716 Cambridge St
Towne, C F C, Bradford, Mass
Trotter, W M, 38 College House
Tudor, H D, 36 Hilton
Upham, A E, 413 Greene St
Van Kleeck, W S, 19 Holyoke
Walcott, R, 71 Waterhouse St
Walker, B, 289 Harvard St
Walker, H P, 48 Weld
Walsh, T, 14Oxford
Warner, E H, 19 Matthews
Washburn, J M, 1734 Cambridge
Washburn, P, 40 Kirkland
Waterman, G A, Malden, Mas 2
Waters, B G, 13 Matthews
Waters, L V, 61 Oxford
Webb, F, 46 Grays
Weis, J D, 750 Cambridge St
Wertheimer, A
Weston, T, 41 Thayer
Wheatland, R 22 Holyoke
White, N H, 12 Grays
Wheeler, M S, 36 Felton
Whicker, J T, 12 Holworthy
Whipple, J R, 1 Hilton
White, S P, 19 Thayer
Whitemore, J K, 15 Follen St
Whitney, M W, 25 Grays
Whiteside, A, 16 Holyoke St
Whitman, R R, 88 Ellery St
Whitmore, Holmes, 51 College House
Whitmore, Howard, 51 College House
Whittemore, P W, 50 Thayer
Widdemer, W L, 45 Trowbridge
Wilcomb, C J, 1 Divinity
Wilder, D P, 28 Weld
Wildes, F, 31 Matthews
Williams, A S, 23 Littles
Winslow E, 494 Harvard St
Winslow, F B, 5 Linden St
Winthrop, R M, 9 Holyoke
Wolffe, W B, Boston
Wollaeger, S, Jr, 26 Garden
Woodman, W P, 378 Harvard St
Woods, H R, 30 Weld
Woolston, L W, 28 Weld
Worthingham, J W, 45 Thayer
Wrenn, R D, 761 Main St
Wright, M H, 53 Trowbridge St
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