
In Photos: Harvard’s 373rd Commencement Exercises


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Former Harvard President Bacow, Maria Ressa to Receive Honorary Degrees at Commencement


‘A’ Game: How Harvard Recruits its Student-Athletes


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Bible Study Conference Wednesday


The second Bible Study Conference of the year will be held in the Parlor of Phillips Brooks House on Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. Mr.K.S. Latourette, at present the Bible Study secretary at Yale University, will speak on the influences of the Bible Study movement at Yale and the means of increasing its effectiveness in the University. Besides Mr. Latourette, Dean Fenn and Rev. J. G. K. McClure, president of the McCormick Theological School will make brief speeches. Since the first conference held in Brooks House on October 8, the work of enrolling men in Bible Study classes has been widely extended until now there are about 350 men attending either Bible classes in the Sunday-schools or nearby churches. All men who have been enrolled in the work or who are at all interested are cordially invited to be present.

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