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Local Team Has Two Victories and One Defeat to Its Credit.


This afternoon the second football team will play the Brown second team on Soldiers Field at 4 o'clock. This game is the last one in a very successful season of four games. In the first game with St. Anselm's, the second team won by the score 6 to 0. Their they defeated the Wellesley High eleven 28 to 7. Last week they met their first defeat at the hands of the Dean Academy team, 10 to 7. This game was the best they have played this fall and was characterized by hard, agressive football on both sides. Captain Stanton, of the second team, has water on the knee and consequently will be unable to play today.

Next week the team will be sent against the University eleven for the final practice before the Yale game. After the University squad has left for New Haven, probably on Thursday, the second team will be given a banquet at the Harvard club of Boston.

The line-up for today's game will be as follows: Bradley, I.e.; Brown, I.h.d.; Townsend, I.g.; Saddler, Day, c.; Strauss r.g.; Leighton, r.t.; Seaver, r.e.; Cottrell, q.b.; Gersumky, I.h.b.; Woodruff, f.b.; Doherty, r.h.b.

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