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Snappy Signal Drill Featured Practice Yesterday.--Enwright May be Declared Ineligible.


This afternoon at 3.30 o'clock the University football team will enter the Stadium for the last time before the Yale game. The real work of preparation has been completed, and today's work-out will amount to nothing more than a signal drill for Teams A and B. Immediately after the practice the entire squad will leave Cambridge for the Vesper Country Club, on Tyng's Island, at Lowell, where the men will stay until Saturday morning.

Although the report has not been confirmed from an official source, it was learned last night that on account of difficulties with the Office, Enwright may not be available for Saturday's game.

Yesterday's practice was very short, and consisted simply of putting the finishing touches to an eleven which has been taught all the football it can learn before the game.

The usual black-board talk proceeded the day's work, and following that came a kicking drill for Captain Mahan, Horween, and Robinson. The seconds, finishing their work for the season, put on a few Yale formations for the line, and the University wound up the afternoon with a fast signal practice, running hard and getting off its plays with great speed and precision.

C. Blagden '02, F. J. Bradlee '15 and T. J. Campbell '12 attended the practice. R. C. Curtis was out in uniform again but Rollins was given further rest. The University lined up as follows: Soucy, l.e.; Gilman, l.t.; Cowen, Taylor, l.g.; Wallace, c.; Dadmun, r.g.; Parson, r.t.; Harte, r.e.; Watson, q.; Boles, l.h.b.; Mahan, r.h.b.; King, f.b.

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