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The standardization of a rowing stroke at the University, and the use of this stroke not only by crew men here, but also by the preparatory schools from which the University's oarsmen are in the main recruited, is one of the most important features of the winter rowing system which has this year been instituted.

The need for a distinctive stroke, designated particularly as the one used by the University and Freshman crews, became more evident that ever before this fall when the squad of nearly 300 men who reported for rowing made necessary the presence of several assistants in addition to Coach Haines.

As these coaches had been out of college for varying periods of time and had been taught rowing in different schools, the instruction they gave differed in many points from that of the head coach. It was decided at that time to take steps toward a uniformity of instruction that would train the men in the class, dormitory, and club crews in a stroke identical with that taught the University oarsmen.

Withington Strong Backer.

All of the University's crew coaching staff are in favor of the plan and a number of discussions of the values of the different strokes now in use have been held this fall. Dr. Paul Withington '09, who acted in an advisory capacity during the fall season, is one of the strongest backers of the change and bases his arguments on the advantages of the English oarsmen in the Inter-Allied race at Paris last spring because of the use of a stroke which is practically standard throughout the British Isles.

Introduce Stroke at Prep. Schools.

An attempt will be made this spring to introduce into the preparatory schools this new stroke for use during the coming seasons. As there are six crew "H" men in college representing six different school, it is probable that the brunt of this work of propaganda will fall on them.

The formal call for University and Freshman crew candidates will be made as usual shortly after the mid-year examinations early in February. The rowing on the tank under the supervision of Coach Haines that is being carried on now will be continued in its present, from until the general call for candidates is made.

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