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"Think of the thoroughness with which English is taught in the Euro paisisches Gymnasium!" acclaimed Dr. Paistisches Gymnasium!" acclaimed Dr. a CRIMSON reporter on the relative merits of English taught in Germany, and German in America. "There, for nine years, the German youth is instructed, and five hours each week during the entire time is devoted to the intensive study of English, which is the most difficult of all tongues. The aim of such thoroughness is to penetrate deeply into the very essence of English and American sprit and civilization, and to acquire a complete mastering of the language. Rather do one thing thoroughly than ten artificially is the viewpoint of the New German Reform Movement."
"Does the American school possess any features which you think the Germans should adopt?" he was asked.
German Students Start Early
"Yes. Since the Germans primarily desire culture, then it is no more than feasible that they should adopt those measures which will ultimately lead to it. The plan of four-year curricula in the American Colleges and high schools is a distinct advantage over the present nine-year course of instruction in the German Gymnasiums. The American Instructor is able to associate with his students, and thereby becomes a psychological specialist in reference to them. The German student is ten years old when he enters the Gymnasium, and is at least 19 before he completes the course. These nine years of school work are divided into three periods of three years each in order that instruction may be given in accord dance with the student's age. The first, which includes those children from the age of 10 to 13, is the period of Naive Experience. Next, from the age of 13 to 16, is the period of Concrete Understanding, and finally, there is the period of Abstract Logical Penetration which is reached when the student arrives at the age of 16 and continues until his course in the Gymnasium is completed. These divisions make it exceptionally difficult for the instructor to learn the psychic attitude of each of his many students, and as for the student--nine years of work in the same school is far from an agreeable situation!"
Germans Good at English
"German schools have many excellent and effective methods of teaching English. They somewhat resemble those used in America, but are much more systematic. Their instruction is placed under four main heads--vocabulary, grammar, translation into German, and translation into English, together with home work. A detailed account of the methods used would be tiresome."
German Standards Are Higher
When asked by the reporter concerning the relative scholastic standards in the United States and Germany, he answered: "I think that the Germans excel. Of course, this is contrary to the opinion of most authorities; still, I believe that I am correct. According to the statistics of the state of Prussia for last year, only 41 percent of the students completed the nine-year course while in the Gymnasiums in nine years, while 30 percent were required to double one year, 17 percent to double two years, and 12 percent were forced to double three or more years. The average age of the boys leaving the Gymnasiums is about 20 or 21. It is evident, therefore, that the courses must be very difficult.
"Then, there is also the necessary correlation of subjects which tend toward broadening the intellects of the students. The philosophy, literature, religion and arts, and the industry of a certain period of time are all closely connected with each other, and form a psychic and mental unity. This correlation of subjects opens the eyes of the students to this fact."
New System Lessens Caste Feeling
"What are the advantages of the new school systems over the old in Germany? The new system diminishes the caste feeling, fosters community spirit, unifies and clarifies the system of grade, vocational, and high schools, and develops a free personality. It also leads the student through one definite significant sphere of culture, instead of through a superficial, utilitarian, smattering of things, and it returns to the source of the first German culture--to the heritage of Goethe, Luther, Fichte, Duerer, and Beethoven."
He was then asked about Germany's place in the modern medical world, to which he replied. "Berlin and Vienna have never been displaced as the seats of the world's medical culture, and it is highly probable that they never will."
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