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Committee on Relations With Schools Is Step in Right Direction--Men Should Visit Schools


An attitude of indifference on the part of the University toward maintaining proper relations with schoolboys is seen by the Alumni Committee on Athletics in the report of the Associated Harvard Clubs which was made public yesterday in a supplement to the Alumni Bulletin.

Schoolboy Athletes Slighted

The report especially emphasizes the lack of attention which is paid to schoolboy athletes, and declares in favor of establishing closer contacts with these athletes.

The report says in part on this subject, "Too little attention has been paid at Harvard toward maintaining relations with schoolboy athletes. The lack of hospitality with which schoolboy teams have been received at Cambridge is an admitted fact. Many of the members of these teams are still undecided as to their college choice and their eventual decision is naturally influenced by the impressions they receive while on these visits.

"Few contacts with athletes are made at schools by Harvard men; we have tended to lean over backward to avoid any appearance of proselyting. Occasionally, in compliance with a request from a school in the vicinity of Cambridge, we have sent a coach for the afternoon to give specialized instruction. This practice of lending coaches builds up friendly relations and should be encouraged.

Suggest More Interest

"Harvard's attitude toward all schoolboys, not merely athletes, has generally been one of indifference. Harvard men seldom return to their preparatory schools to discuss with the boys their choice of college. This Committee suggests that small groups of Harvard men, both graduates and undergraduates be selected to visit their respective schools in the spring and talk at arranged meetings with all boys who are interested in going to Harvard."

In this connection the report lauds the recent appointment of a Committee on Relations with Schools, in which it sees a step toward remedying the indifference decried above.

The Committee was created by the Student Council early in March with E. B. Jackson '28 as chairman and W. N. Bumps '28, sub-chairman. The purpose of the Committee is to establish a liaison between Harvard and the various schools from which the College draws its support.

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