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After two unsuccessful attempts to swing into its 1927 hockey season, the Freshman sextet will definitely get under way this afternoon in the Boston Arena when it lines up against the Andover skaters at 3:30 o'clock.

Due to unfavorable mercury conditions at foreign rinks the 1930 squad has not been able to play any of its scheduled games, one with Milton and another with St. Mark's having been called off.

The first-year men have developed rapidly under the guidance of Coach C. L. Pierson '25, and the team promises to measure up to Freshman teams of former years.

Two Wins In Practice

Three practice games have resulted in two victories and a tie for the 1930 team. Arlington High was overcome in a very uninteresting game by the decisive score of 6-1. The strong Newton High aggregation succeeded in tying the Freshmen by the score of 2-2, when Stubbs of the schoolboys slammed a fast puck by Cary, the substitute 1930 goal tender, in the closing seconds of play. In this game the first-year men showed a marked improvement in every respect. There was better teamwork and the wings put power and direction in their shots.

Track Shifted to Goal

Against Cambridge Latin the Freshmen showed an even better brand or hockey and won by a score of 4-1, Summers starring by getting two of the tallies. Trask, recently changed over from a defense position to goal-guard, shows promise and looks as though he will strengthen the team where it is most needed.

With Andover to-day on their program and Exeter Saturday, the 1930 sextet in trying to make up for lost time. If possible Exeter also will be met on Arena ice, but in all probability the New Hampshire schoolboys will be played on the Soldiers Field rink.

The Blue puck men have been hampered by a scarcity of ice in their vicinity, and should present no very formidable opposition. Captain Luce at right wing will lead the Andover attack. Thus far he has proved the star in their two games in which they defeated a scrub team 4-1 and tied Melrose High with a 1-1 score. HARVARD 1930  ANDOVER Summers l.w.  r.w. Luce Lakin r.w.  l.w. Frost Harding c.  c. Walker Stuart l.d.  r.d. MacDougal Timball g.  g. Warner

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