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Penn Stock Rises With Aunouncement That Scull Will Run in I. C. 4A.--Westerners Due Today

(Special Dispatch to the CRIMSON.).


Philadelphia, Penn, May 23, 1927--Hopes of University of Pennsylvania partisans that the Red and Blue will stand among the leaders of American intercollegiate track and field competition at the close of activities on Franklin Field, Saturday, received added stimulus here today by the announcement that Folwell Scull, leading Penn sprinter, will be in condition to too the mark in the preliminaries of the 100 yard dash Friday afternoon.

Last fall's football end who has been out in front of Red and Blue sprint fields for the last two years pulled a tendon in the Dartmouth meet at Hanover on May 7 and has been unable to compete since then. According to Coach Lawson Robertson, however, he is now in shape again and hopes to be in the fighting with such stars as Borah and Miller in the finals of the short dash Saturday afternoon. It was originally planned to enter Scull in both the century and the lurlong, but in view on his recent injury and the numerous trial heats which it will be necessary for him to go through. Coach Robertson has decided to limit him to the 100. In the fiftieth annual I. C. A. A. A. A. meet in Cambridge last spring Scull took sixth place in the 100, being the only finalist who didn't break into the scoring column. Last winter in the indoor intercollegiates he took third place in the dash event.

Coach Robertson also announced at the conclusion of this afternoon's work-out that J. O. MacDonald, sprinter and quarter miler, will be entered only in the 220. Last year MacDonald, who was a member of the 1924 Olympic team, competed only in the 440 on the Harvard Stadium cinders, but has been showing more power in the shorter event this year. Penn's other hope in the 220 is Warren Tuxill, a Sophomore, who has shown rapid progress in successive starts this spring. He enters the meet this week still untried in big competition and may provide a surprise in the dash predictions. Tuxill was one of the members of the Red and Blue 140 yard relay team which, with Scull running as anchor man, equalled the world's record for this event in the Tenn relays early in May. Payne, another former Olympic runner, is the leading penn prospect in the two mile. He took fourth in Cambridge last year and with Giles is counted on to pick up a few points in the distance grind. The dispute concerning the leading Penn half miler was settled to the satisfaction of track folowers on Saturday by a trial race in this event. Heilprin won the decision over Starrat and Barnshaw and is now rated as the most likely contender against such runners as Swinbourne, of Georgetown. McCloskey, of Boston College, Lovejoy, of Southern California, and McKinnon, of Stanford.

Captain Robert McClean and Harold Lamberg, premier Red and Blue weight tossers, are both possible scorers in the shot put. Lamberg who is engaged in his first year of intercollegiate competition this spring, got the 16 pound ball out over 47 feet in the Cornell meet two weeks ago which should be good enough if he can repeat the effort this week for at least a third or fourth. Wright in the hammer throw, with a record of 161 feet to his credit, and Kanrich in the discus are other prominent Penn contenders in the weight events. In Baxter, Penn has a high jumper who has been over six feet several times this spring. While there is little prospect of his rivalling the efforts of King and Work. Stanford's two high jump specialists, his mark compares favorably with those set this year by Maynard, of Dartmouth, and other performers who will probably come in for some of the lesser point divisions in this event.

Spencer and McKinnon, the two Stanford middle distance leaders, have been working out on the Franklin Field track for the last four or five days. Spencer has done the quarter in 50 seconds or less in eight races this spring, one or these performances having been clocked in 47 3-5 and two others in 47 4-5. His times have been consistently under those shown by the best runners of both East and West and with more than a week of practice on the Philadelphia track should be unbeatable in Saturday's battle. In Cooke, of Syracuse, and Ross, of Yale, he has, however, a trio of rivals who will push him to his best if he is to win. McKinnon is the best Western prospect in the half mile and with the thorough acclimatization to the conditions of Franklin Field which his week's practice there should give him is a possible leader of the 880 field on Saturday.

Word was received here yesterday that Coach Templeton with the other 14 members of the Stanford I. C. A. A. A. A. track squad started eastward last Saturday and will arrive in Philadelphia tomorrow. The other Pacific Coast entrants, Southern California, present title-holder, and the University of California are also enroute and are expected to arrive about the same time as their Stanford rivals

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