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In a CRIMSON questionnaire taken last year and involving over 1000 undergraduates, it was ascertained that more than 85 per cent of Harvard upperclassmen indulge in some sort of extra-thirds of the group declared that their activity or activities were fun and worth the time they demanded.

Sports took first place among the activities with 35 per cent of the voters favoring one or more athletic endeavor. In second place, at 30 per cent, were the publications. Phillips Brooks House, social service center, placed third with 8 per cent as a choice for profitable occupation, while music finished just out of the money at 7 per cent in a photo finish over managing, which had 6 1-2 per cent devotes. The Student Union, political forum, debating, and dramatics ran a dead heat at 4 per cent.

Football, Boccer

Taking the activities in order, let us first look at the sports situation. All Freshmen are required to exercise three times a week, and they must do something organized and something upon which there is a check made. Wrestling with your roommate, for example, is exercise all right, but it just won't do for the check-up.

About 200 Freshmen turn out for football each fall, with coach Neil Stahley sending out the first call for the very afternoon of registration day. Enough prep school captains usually appear to make up a whole squad, but that does not mean that everyone is not given a chance, and the only way you will be able to find out whether your are another Barry Wood or Vornon Struck is to go out and so. You will be taught the Harlow system right from the start, and previous experience will not be as important as ordinarily thought.

To win numerals, a Freshmen must play against Yale in his sport. Surprisingly enough, for the last couple of years, it has not been football, but soccer which has given the largest number of numerals. Coach Jack Carr and assistants will be waiting to see the boot artists right after you arrive.

Track, Crew

Track coach Jaako Mikkola and assistant Ed Neufeld will be only too glad to speed you on the cinders or hills end dales, and numerals are awarded for that. When head crew mentor Tom Bolles arrived from Washington to put New London sweep was tops, he brought assistant Harvey Love with him, and Love will start Freshman fall practice almost immediately. Singles sculling, for those more individually inclined, is also one of the most popular forms of Yardling exercise.

Swimming a "Must"

As you know or should know, you cannot ever get your sheepskin from Harvard until you know how to swim, and so you will be taught will nilly if you are among the five per cent who don't know how to master the brine when you get here. If you are aquatically minded, swimming in the gala Indoor Athletic Building pool will lure you sooner or later, and the Crimson swimming teams, under Coach Hall Ulen, are a pride of Harvard.

Tennis (including the annual fall Yardling tournament), squash, fall baseball, and the newly organized Yard inter-dormitory touch football (a part of the ever-increasing House athletic program under the direction of Adolph Samborski '25) are other athletic enticements. Don''t be too down-hearted if your posture is censured to such an extent that you are forced to enter the six-week corrective exercise program. These sessions sound rather gruesome, but they are surprisingly enjoyable if you enter into the spirit of grunting and muscle-pulling.


Among the publications, the CRIMSON, undergraduate daily, Lampoon, alleged humorous publication, and Advocate, literary rare-bit, from the traditional trinity. Take your pick; we are naturally completely impartial.

Newcomers or resurrected old-timers are the Guardian, magazine of social sciences, and Monthly, compatriot of the Advocate. Regular competitions are held for the boards of all of these.

PBH and Music

Third on our popularity list was Phillips Brooks House work. The distinguished reputation which the House has for all kinds of social work is well deserved, and it is constantly branching out.

The Glee Club, best known for its spring concerts on the steps of Widener Library, is the most popular division of the musical interests, but every body loves the band, many enjoy the Instrumental Clubs and orchestra, and a few boys really in the know in this line speak well of the Pierian Sodality.

Less Dirty Work

An article on the possibilities of football managing appears elsewhere in this paper, and all the other Freshman sports have managers, because--well, somebody has got to do the dirty work. Seriously, however, the Athletic Association has at least begun to realize that managing can be a profitable, interesting task, if its competitions are more humanely run, Freshman exercise credit is given for this sort of work.

HSU, Debating, Dramatics

The Student Union is another very live organization. Seldom dormant, this political left wing is constantly agitating, and has a lot of fun scrapping with the newly-formed Young Conservatives, or Young Independents, as they later came to be called. The Student Union sponsors many worth-while talks and debates on various subjects.

Debating seems to be growing rapidly in popularity and the Debating Council holds try-outs for regularly scheduled Yardling word-battles with other colleges. In the field of dramatics, the Dramatic Club recently had a stormy year, including a number of mix-ups with women's colleges, with whom they were trying to put on shows. The final blow was when the Hygiene Building began to take over the Dramatic Club's home, known as "Big Tree," in the building. Thus there is never a dull moment for the actors.

End in Sight

The Mountaineering Club, which climbs hills and even went as far as Alaska to climb this summer, the Memorial Society, which remembers traditions, the Rifle Club, which blazes away in the ghostly recesses of the basement of Memorial Hall, the Flying club, which files, the language clubs (Circolo Italiano, Cercle Francais, Veriem Turmwaechter,) the religious organizations, and the "social", groups (with which you will not be concerned until next year), all these and more are part of the vast world of things at Harvard and all offer the benefit of friendship from common interests.

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