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'43 Swimming Prospects Look Promising to Coach Peterson

Time Trials Will Clear Up Many Doubtful Points About the Natators


"A good average squad" is the opinion Coach Larry Peterson has of his Yardling swimmers after a week of conditioning workouts. About 50 Freshmen reported for practice last week, and although none have been timed as yet, they show signs of shaping up into a satisfactory team.

Less time than usual has been provided for getting the team ready for its first meet, which will be against the M.I.T. Freshmen on December 15. Peterson expects to know the best or the worst by the end of the week when the whole squad will have been timed.

A Good Backstroker

Although most opinions must be considered as tentative, Peterson stated that he had a good backstroker in Bill Drucker, who hails from New Trier High, in Illinois.

Potential material for the distance free style events are Bus Curwen, who prepped at Exeter, and Frank German, from Cleveland. Bob Stires also shapes up as a good distance swimmer but he seems versatile enough to serve as a general utility man.

Breaststroker, Divers Strong

Another Exeter product who appears a strong team prospect is Sandy Houston, whose specialty is the breaststroke.

In the diving division, the prospects are rosy with Shaw McCutcheon, from Milton, and Brad Patterson, from Loomis, turning in sterling practice performances.

The sprinters will continue to be an unknown quantity until they have all been under the stop watch.

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