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Ellison will Lead WSC Post; Barton is Blood Donor Chief


Scheduled to meet together for the first time on Thursday evening, 19 men have been appointed to positions on the Brooks House Cabinet and will serve this winter as heads of the recently-merged P.B.H.-W.S.C. undergraduate committees.

Heading the list is John Ellison, Whose appointment to the position of chairman of the War Service Committee was confirmed last night. Serving under him will be Allen H. Burton '45, who will be in charge of the committee on blood donations, and Allen M. Johnson '45, head of bond sales. Bradford Cobb '44, and Donald E. Marks '45 will share the responsibility of running collection campaigns throughout the University for the coming year.

'46 Committee Chairman Announced

Chairman of the 1946 Freshman Committee will be Lawrence Creshkoff '46, it was announced, although the election of the rest of the committee will not take place until Thursday.

Peter F. Kranz '45, has been put in charge of all personnel work. Serving with him will be James E. McNulty '45, Social Service Committee chairman, and Andrew H. Wright '45, who has been given the position of controlling war volunteers. William H. Wolf '45, has been chosen to head the Speakers Committee, while publicity work will be handled by Frederic A. de Hoffman '45 and Hugh Calkins '45.

Final group to be formed is the Senior Advisory Committee, which will work on special projects throughout the year. Named to this committee are Thomas L. Farmer '44, George W. Goetz '44, Frederic F. M. Kempner '44, Wade Rockwood '44, and Thomas M. Stanton '44.

Theoretically serving until June, the Cabinet is the undergraduate administrative board, and has charge of the important policies of the organization.

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