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AVC Issues New Paper, Endorses Stand by Conant

Report Commends President's Statement Backing Federal Subsidy of State Education


Harvard's chapter of the AVC added another newspaper to the growing list of college, publications this week as the AVC Newsletter made its first appearance. Meanwhile, the chapter's Student Affairs Committee provided the new paper with an important bit of news when it introduced to the organization a resolution endorsing President Conant's stand on federal aid to state education.

Approve Conant's Speech

Opening with a contention that "the increasing of educational opportunities for all Americans is a vital necessity," the resolution goes on to give full approval to the suggestions made by President Conant in a speech to the Society of Harvard Dames on February 27. In his address, President Conant outlined the need for federal assistance to the State education, federal scholarships, and the development of a two-year college.

The Newsletter, a two-page mimeographed bi-weekly, went for the first time through the mails to 766 AVC members Monday morning. It is edited by Frank L. Haley '45 and Andrew E. Rice '43 1G, and attempts to digest and assimilate news and information on AVC activities past and future.

To Create Interest

One aim of the paper is to stimulate some of its more reticent members into active participation in the Chapter's functions by publishing details of meetings and plans for drives, say the editors. They have also planned to distribute the Newsletter among prospective AVC members to encourage their joining the veterans' organization.

At present, the new publications is strictly a two man job. More staff writers are needed and several editorships are open.

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