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Woolley Will Open in HDC Play April 13

Actor Regains Health in Time To Star in 'Man Who Came To Dinner' at Rindge Tech


"The Man Who Came to Dinner," with Monty Woolley in the leading role, will open on April 13, Harvard Dramatic Club President Robert E. Miller '48 announced last night.

Slated for the Rindge Tech auditorium, the play will run for 11 days, ending with two performances on April 23. A matinee will also be offered on April 16 while there will be no performances on April 17, a Sunday.

March 2 was originally scheduled as opening night until Woolley notified HDC officials that he had gone to Florida to recuperate from an attack of laryngitis. The Club had already begun negotiations with the College and Cambridge school officials when it was learned that Woolley would be available for the April date.

Casting Continues

Rehearsals will not begin for another two or three weeks, Miller stated, since several parts have still not yet been filled. Mail orders for tickets under the old schedule are being returned but the HDC is accepting applications for the revised dates at its Holyoke st. office.

Miller and Robert C. Seaver '50 are serving as co-producers and directors of the play. Designer Robert Fletcher '49, production manager Emory H. Niles, Jr. '49, and construction manager Robert Swain '51 have started work on the production.

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