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Ames Second Rounders to Argue Tonight


Second year students of Hardes and Langdell clubs will compete in the second quarterfinals of the Law School's annual Ames competition tonight in Langdell Hall at 8 p.m.

In the first of the quarterfinals held Tuesday, the Scott law club defeated the Casner club by a unanimous decision of the judges. W. Walter Braham, Jr. and Gordon B. P. Scott were the oralists for Casner, while Richard F. Newall and Hal F. Reynolds were Scott oralists.

The case for debate tonight concerns a widow who sues a shipping company for negligence in the death of her husband, a seaman.

Arguments will be based on a similar actual case that was decided last month in favor of the widow by the D.S. Court of Appeals for the Commonwealth of Ames.

Hardes club will represent the ably owners, and Langdell will take the side of the widow.

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