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Yale May Give 3-Hour Finals By Next Year


Yale College may lengthen its final examinations from two to three hours next year if the faculty approves a recommendation of the Course of Study Committee.

In addition, the committee recommended that finals in full courses cover the full year's work instead of just the second term.

If the plan is approved, it would mean a return to three hour exams rather than an innovation, Thomas C. Mendenhall, chairman of the committee explained.

He said that the recommendations would probably be approved by the faculty whose support of the program, he indicated was "generally good." The purpose of the recommendations was to permit a "more comprehensive examination, that more adequately covers the material of the course," he said. "We think you can give a much better exam in three hours than in two."

The committee also hopes that the essey question will be used more extensively on exams.

If approved, the action will only effect the College, not the engineering school.

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