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Russian Scholar Karpovich Dies


Michael Karpovich, Curt Hugo Reisinger Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Emeritus, died Saturday after a long illness. He was 71 years old.

Paying tribute to his colleague yesterday, Horace G. Lunt II '41, associate professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures, said that Karpovich had built up the Slavic Department into one of the most important in the country. A majority of the people teaching Russian history in United States universities, Lunt said, at one time were students of Karpovich.

Author, economist, historian, and expert on Russian culture, Karpovich was on the University Faculty until his retirement two years ago. During this time, he served as chairman of the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, and was active in movements to aid fellow anti-Communist Russian exiles.

Karpovich's appointment to the Faculty came after a series of lecture assignments at universities in this country. Previously, he had served in the Imperial Russian government and in the Kerensky provisional regime.

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