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'Cliffe Alumnae Attend Reunion


More than 600 Radcliffe alumnae gathered in Memorial Hall Saturday noon to hear President Bunting give a progress report on her first full year at the College. Members of classes from as far back as 1895 and up through 1961 were present.

The President announced a new Development Fund total of $7,274,622 at the end of six years. More than $1 million has been received since June, 1960.

In describing the Institute for Independent Study, which will open next year when 24 women scholars with a Ph.D. or its equivalent in achievement come to the college to pursue their specialties on a part-time basis, President Bunting explained that "the explosion of knowledge has led to an educational revolution for men as well as women."

Speaking to the alumnae on behalf of the graduating class, Marjory P. Zoet said. "Radcliffe has encouraged us to develop confidence in ourselves and in our goals."

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