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Golfers Edge Green, 4-3, In Come-From-Behind Win


Harvard's number four man John Hawkins fired the gulf team's best score of the year, a 72, to lead the Crimson to come-from-behind 4-3 victory over Dartmouth south yesterday.

Hawkins himself had to come from behind to win. Three points behind his Dartmouth opponent, who was two under par after six holes. Hawkins turned in the steam and ripped past the back nine.

Mike Millis turned the trick on the back nine too and won his second match in a row. The short-hitting, straight-putting Crimson captain was three holes down after nine. But Millis played a fantastic last circuit and won, 2 up.

As Coach Cooney Welland had expected, it was the bottom of the Harvard lineup that carried the day. Bob Sinclair, who had been playing well until a lapee on the final four holes at New Haven last week, scored a key victory in the number six position. The win boosted Sinclair's own season record to 5-4.

Number seven man Wayne Thornbrough pulled Harvard from behind by clobbering his opponent, 5 and 4 Thornbrough's victory tied him with Brian McGuinn for the team's best individual record of 7-5.

McGuinn lost another heartbreaker at the top spot. In what seemed a nightmarish reenactment of last week's match against Yale's Ned Snyder. McGuinn three putted the 17th and 18th boles to lose, 1 down.

McGuinn was playing one of the finest players in Dartmouth golf history, Dave Pothoff, a quarterfinalist in the Eastern Intercollegiates last week. Luckily, Harvard was spared Ken Kotowski the sophomore who reached the semifinals in the Easterns and who usually plays number one for the Green.

The Crimson now totes an even 7-7 record, and a winning season rides on the season's finale today against Princeton.

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