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Harvard Tennis Team Tips Hanover Racketmen, 7-2


Dartmouth tennis ace Charlie Hoevler single-handedly captured the number one singles and doubles against Harvard yesterday, but three Crimson singles wins--three sets -- squelched hopes for an upset as the Crimson prevailed, 7-2.

It was Harvard's tenth victory of the season without a loss and it left only Yale between the Crimson and the Eastern championship.

Crimson captain Dave Benjamin, having difficulty adjusting to Hoevler's twisting serve and his big left-handled game on the Dartmouth courts, quickly dropped behind, 6-0, 3-0. He rallied to 4-5 with some sharp passing shots, but Hoevler held serve for the match.

While sophomores Bernie Adelsberg (2) and Jose Gonzales (5) were breezing to Straight-set wins, Harvard's other three singles players were plodding.

Number three man Clive Klleff dropped the first set to Sven Karlen before rallying 4-6, 6-4, 6-1. Dartmouth's Larry Himes, a dog-fighter with a natural backhand that goes straight up in the air, whipped Richie Friedman 6-0 in the first set. Friedman, a bit of a scrapper himself, ran out the last two sets, 6-2, 8-6, for Harvard's fourth win. Brian Davis (6) edged Roger Gutner, 7-5, 4-6, 6-2.

In the doubles, Hoevler and Kurt Anderson matched big net games with Davis and Gonzales and won, 6-2, 10-8. Kileff and Bo Jones, Harvard's number two doubles, defeated Gutner and Dave Whitmore, 8-6, 7-5. Adelsberg teamed with Dinny Adams for a Harvard victory in the third doubles, 6-4, 6-4.

Harvard's freshman team, also playing at Dartmouth, blanked the Indians, 9-0.

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