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Disciplinary Prcedures


(Following is the full text of the discipline procedures to be followed by the Committee on Rights and Responsibilities created at the Faculty meeting yesterday.)

1, The Committee on Rights and Responsibilities will receive written complaints charging conduct by students of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences involving any of the acts enumerated in the Resolution on Rights and Responsibilites adopted by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences on June 9, 1969, and incorporated in the Amended Fifth Statute of the University adopted by the Governing Boards in September, 1969.

2. Whenever possible, the aggrieved party, whether student, Faculty member, administrative officer, employee or other member of the University community. shall sign the complaint, but the Committee will accept complaints from any dean or other member of the Universit, having responsibility over an office, house, department, laboratory, library, center, classroom or other place or recognized organization withing the University in which any such conduct allegedly has occurred. In the absence of a complaint from a member of the University adversely affected, the Committee may initiate a complaint on a determination of probable cause.

3. Each complaint shall specify the act or acts complained of and refer to that clause of the Resolution on Rightsand Responsibilities the complainant deems to have been violated.

4. Upon receipt of a written complaint. the Committee will serve upon the student a copy of the complaint and a written notice of a hearing date, which shall be no earlier than five calendar days after such service. The Committee will endeavor to make service upon the student in person and to obtain an acknowledgement from him, but the complaint and notice of hearing may be mailed to the student by registered mail. addressed to him at his last local address furnished to the University.

5. The student may request a postponement of the hearing and the Committee will approve or deny the request. but ordinarily such requests will not be approved on grounds of convenience.

6. The hearing shall be conducted by a hearing panel drawn from the Committee and shall consist of one student, one Faculty member elected from the Committee of Fifteen. and one Faculty member elected from an Administrative Board.

7. The hearing shall be closed to the public. but the student and the complainant may each be accompanied by one student or academic advisor from the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Upon appearing at the hearing. the student may request a more formal proceeding than that contemplated hereby. and the hearing panel will approve or deny the request.

8. At the hearing. the complainant will state his case and introduce witnesses and other evidence. The student complained against shall respond to the complaint orally or in writing and may introduce evidence and statements in writing and produce witnesses to testify. The student may also offer any explanation or comment that he believes relevant or appropriate.

9. If a party to the hearing should conduct himself in a manner disruptive of the hearing, the hearing panel shall be authorized to exclude him and to proceed with the hearing as if he had failed to appear.

10. If the student shall fail to appear at the hearing or if. having appeared, he shall make no response to the complaint, the hearing panel shall nevertheless invite the complainant to submit evidence in support of his complaint and shall proceed to make findings of fact.

11. At the conclusion of the hearing, the hearing panel will make written findings of fact and transmit the findings to the full committee. In making its findings of fact. the hearing panel shall consider all relevant evidence introduced at the hearing but shall not consider any matter not introduced at the hearing.

12. The Committee will meet and consider the findings of fact and will then proceed to decide upon such disciplinary action. if any. as it shall deem appropriate.

13. A copy of the findings of fact. together with a notification of any disciplinary action, will be sent in writing to the student. He will have three calendar days in which to ask for reconsideration of either the findings of fact or the disciplinary action. offering in writing reasons why he believes reconsideration to be appropriate. The Committee will consider the request and may either grant a new hearing or reconsider the decision without a new hearing. or deny the request and reaffirm its decision.

14. For all disciplinary action other than dismissal or expulsion. the decision of the Committee shall be final. If the Committee should recommend dismissal or expulsion, the recommendtion will be made to the next meeting of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

15. At no time in the proceedings or in the announcement of decisions shall the names of students be made public by the Committee or the hearing panel, except that the names of those recommended for dismissal or expulsion shall be made known to the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at a closed meeting. The complaint. the student's response, the findings of fact and all other paper in the proceeding shall be for use only in the proceeding and in the internal processes of the University related there to; and no such complaint. response. finding of fact or paper. except the final disposition of the case. shall be voluntarily disclosed to any person outside the University except with the student's consent.

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