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Laxmen Favored Today Harvard, Yale Battle for Third


Harvard will be the favorite Saturday in its final lacrosse game of the season against Yale at 2 p.m. on the Business School Field.

The winner will take sole possession of third place in the Ivy League and can claim the Big Three Title, for what it's worth.

Though both teams have won three League games, Harvard has had a far more potent attack. The Crimson has recorded 46 goals and given up 32, while the Elis have been outscored, 31-28. Harvard routed Dartmouth, 9-3, last weekend. Yale had to rally to edge the Indians, 7-5, in April.

The game will provide Phil Zuckerman with an outside opportunity to win the League scoring title. He's now tied for second with 19 points, four behind Brown's Kevin Cleere. But the Bruins'season is over. Zuckerman's main challenge is likely to come from Cornell's Al R?mmer, the defending champion. He trails Zuckerman by one point but has two easy games left.

Yale Needs Win

Yale's top scorer is Tom Fagan.

Yale has had a medicere season and needs a win Saturday just to reach 500 Originally rated second in New England, the Elis are now fourth. The main bright point has been the play of Tom Fagan. who is easily the Elis'top scorer with 13 points.

Harvard's season has been a bit of a letdown, too. But an NCAA official has reportedly told the Crimson that it has an outside shot at an at-large invitation to the NCAA championships if it does well enough against Yale. This appears to be a remote possibility. If Harvard is invited it will be one of three lvy teams since Brown and Cornell have qualified.


As usual, one of the main problems may be overconfidence. "I think we're taking this game a little too lightly." captain Rick Frisbie said yesterday. "I'm a little scared because I didn't feel we had a really good practice Wednesday." Two other practices this week have been rained out.

On the bright side, Bucky Hayes said, "During the second half of the season we've been running a lot more. I think we're becoming accustomed to using four midfields now."

Sophmore goalie Joe Walker, who has moved up to fourth among the League's goalies, is still starting in place of injured John Cosentino.

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