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SPORTS BRIEF: Heavyweight boat takes first at Tail regatta.

By Aidan E. Tait, Crimson Staff Writer

The Harvard heavyweight and lightweight varsities turned in a promising performance in the fall’s final competition at the annual Tail of the Charles Regatta on Saturday.

Harvard’s first heavyweight four finished first among the 39 entries, crossing in a time of 13:07. Second-place Brown followed in 13:14.0, while the Crimson’s C entry finished third in 13:19.1 despite being the eighth crew to start on the staggered course.

Harvard’s B entry crossed in a time of 13:23.7 to earn sixth place, giving the Crimson heavyweights three fours in the top ten finishers.

The lightweight varsity four entry completed the course in a time of 13:44.9, good for 12th place overall. A second Harvard varsity lightweight four finished just behind, crossing in 13th place with a time of 13:48.3.

Eleven Harvard heavyweight and lightweight fours competed in the varsity four event. The Crimson’s heavyweight freshman eight entry finished third in 12:35.4—just four seconds off Northeastern’s winning time and 0.9 seconds following second-place Brown.

Harvard’s lightweight freshman eight crossed in 13:00.9, good for fifth place.


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