Harvard Sophomore Wins $16,250 on 'Millionaire'

Paul A. Bowden '13, a neurobiology concentrator in Winthrop House, walked away with $16,250 after appearing as a contestant on "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" today.
Continuing the game that he started at the end of yesterday's episode, Bowden made it through a total of eight questions and accumulated $32,500 in his Millionaire Bank with no lifelines left.
The ninth question was from the category "Daisy Fresh":
According to Scientific American, flowers will stay fresh longer if they are put in water mixed with which of these drinks?
A: Beer
B: Coffee
C: Vodka
D: Milk
Unsure of the answer (the answer is C: Vodka), Bowden chose not to take a guess and walked away with half his Millionaire Bank—$16,250.
Under this season's rules, contestants who choose to walk away during Round 1 (questions 1 through 10) will get to keep half their Millionaire Bank. Once they advance into Round 2 (questions 11 through 14) and choose to walk away, they can keep the grand total in their bank.
Paul told "Millionaire" that if he won big on the show, he would buy a new laptop and pay for his schooling.
Photo courtesy of Valleycrest Productions Ltd.