New Haven Struggles to Catch Up

New Haven, home to illustrious Yale University, is in 12th place in CNBC's slideshow "20 Cities You Don’t Want to Live In ... Yet," sandwiched between Memphis, Tenn. in 11th place and Baltimore, Md. in 13th.
The reasons? CMBC reports that New Haven struggles from high crime, high costs of living, high taxes, a high unemployment rate, and sub-par schools. But it's not all bad. Listed among New Haven's few redeeming factors is the perk that the city is just 90 minutes away from Manhattan by train. To students of Yale University, this knowledge may bring some small comfort, as they are usually confined to the 12-block bubble of academia that surrounds campus.
Yalies may also find some solace in New Haven's initiative to "attract more videogame makers," according to CNBC, as part of their plan to diversify the economy. In a city where the alternate forms of entertainment are the Kmart down the street and the library's vast collection of 17th century German literature, a booming video game industry may help turn things around for college students looking for a more efficient method of procrastination.
CNBC also noted that the unemployment rate has fallen from 9.7 percent to 9 percent, giving Yale College graduates a slightly more secure foothold in today's competitive job market.