On the Fourth Day of Reading Period...

The end of the semester is a stressful time, and we all need to remember to relax every now and then. Flyby is here to help! This is the fourth installment in our Seven Days of Reading Period series, inspired by "The Twelve Days of Christmas." Stay tuned for more!
On the fourth day of reading period, Flyby gave to me four last minute ways to study for finals.
Watch the lectures
Come on, you binge watched all five seasons of "Breaking Bad" in four days, you can easily watch 20 lectures in two. Hole yourself up in your room and finally learn what you were actually supposed to be paying attention to all semester. Install the free cs50 app that lets you watch videos at 2x the speed, and be twice as productive! (Hint: you can also install StayFocusd on Chrome so you won’t be seduced by that "27 Times Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson Proved They Have the Best Offscreen Relationship Ever" Buzzfeed list.)
Join a study group
Find the people who talk the most in section and ask to join their study group, even if the study group really means the "please teach me everything you know" group. Offer up the couple of pages of notes and dozens of beautiful doodles you've made over the course of the semester.
It almost goes without saying. When you have 24 hours to learn 12 weeks' worth of material, caffeine is your best friend. Whether it's multiple 5-Hour Energy bottles or a triple shot trente size coffee from Starbucks, you and caffeine can get through this together.
Get admitted to the hospital
When all else fails, break a leg, catch ebola, rub poison ivy all over yourself—do whatever necessary to legitimately ditch your exam and get to take it next semester. Then promise yourself that you really will study over j-term. (Note: We're just kidding on this one. This is totally not the way to go.)