
Fox Club Received Eviction Notice From Landlord Over Noise Complaints, Zoning Code Violations

The Fox Club moved out of a Cambridge residential neighborhood after the property owner served the club with an eviction notice following warnings from the city that their use of the space violated local ordinances.​​​​​​​

Affirmative Action, Activism, and Afro-American Studies: The Class of 1974 Looks Back on Racial Progress

Between debate over affirmative action, the inception of an Afro-American Studies department, and the rise of student activism and groups like the African and African American Resistance Organizations, the Class of 1974 went through Harvard at a pivotal time in the history of race relations and Black students on campus.

‘A Script For A Political Movie’: The Class of 1974 Looks Back on Watergate

While the Watergate break-in happened in the late summer of 1972, as the Class of 1974 finished their sophomore year, the scandal’s most dramatic moments would come during their final year in Cambridge — at a campus that had deep ties to, and was often the scorn of, the embattled administration.

Bad Karma: How Anonymous Social Media Platform Sidechat Shapes Harvard Campus Politics

Though Sidechat is often a platform for much-needed levity and humor in moments of stress, many students have raised concerns about its effectiveness as a medium for political debates and propensity for spreading negativity.

‘How Far Is Too Far?’: Pro-Palestine Activism Under the Garber Presidency

Alan Garber has largely drawn praise for his measured response to controversy and his ability to assuage a divided campus. But some students and faculty have condemned Garber’s approach to protests for being unusually repressive and forceful, drawing new, unprecedented lines around campus speech and protest.

Dilapidated Dorms: How Harvard Undergrads Cope with Run-Down Housing

Some students say they’ve grown accustomed to living with rodents and the occasional maintenance problem in dilapidated houses. But for others, housing problems raise broader concerns about how run-down living spaces may detract from quality of life at Harvard.

‘Connection You Can Cling To’: Harvard Celebrates Latinx Graduates at Affinity Event

Harvard Law School Professor Andrew M. Crespo ’05, the first tenured Latino faculty member at HLS, urged graduates to remember the contributions of their families during a Latinx affinity graduation celebration Tuesday morning.

‘Our Forever President’: Black Harvard Graduates Celebrate Claudine Gay at Affinity Ceremony

Two Harvard graduates presented an award for faculty who show “a strong commitment to social justice” to former Harvard President Claudine Gay during the University-wide celebration of Black graduates on Tuesday evening in Sanders Theatre.

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