
In Photos: Harvard’s 373rd Commencement Exercises


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Interim Harvard President Alan Garber Takes the Political Battle to Washington

Fact and Rumor.


The Lampoon comes out today.

The bowling alleys are well nigh deserted now.

The Glee Club gives a concert at Taunton this evening.

The shingle of the Delta Upsilon was stolen Monday evening.

About three-fourths of the returning Freshmen brought canes with them.

There is some talk of forming a rink polo club to play against the Yale team.

Coffee is to be served regularly at dinner at Memorial for a while, as an experiment.

There are four rooms to let at the Bursar's office, very unusual for this time of the year.

Prize winners in the shotgun matches just closed, may obtain their cups at Holworthy 22.

The advertisements of the tutors are now beginning to be posted in full numbers on the bulletin boards.

The lecture hour, this afternoon in N. H. 5, will be devoted to the asking and answering of questions.

Mandell, T. J. Coolidge and W. C. Sturgis of '84, who are making a two years' journey around the world, are now in China.

The eighth ten of the Institute of 1770 from '87 is as follows: Snattuck, Rogers, Bemis, Fessenden, Bisbee, Weeks, Ashe, Austin, Houghton, Tyler.

Mr. Eben Sutton, of the senior crew, has been obliged to discontinue rowing, as he is liable to an attack of the heart disease.

There are over 700 young live frogs in the basement of Peabody awaiting the tortures of the Junior biologists.-[Yale News.

Prof. Eustis, who was making a trip to the south on account of his health, has been brought back from Florida in a very precarious state.

Quite a number of Harvard's most noted professors were present at Prof. Thompson's lecture, President Eliot being among the number.

Owing to the recent illness of Capt. Phillips, the active management of the nine will be for the present in the hands of Mr. Winslow, '85.

An unbearable stench was caused yesterday in some of the rooms in Holyoke, by a gentleman who was cleansing the skeleton of a horse by some chemical process.

Though no regular matches will be shot at Watertown until after the semis, it is probable that a practice match may be shot, sometime during the coming week.

There was an optional examination in Greek 2, yesterday. The mark on the passage read, a chapter from the sixth book of Thucydides, may be substituted for a portion of the midyear paper.

The following gentlemen have been elected offices of the O. K for the second senior term: President. F. I. Carpenter; secretary, S. S. Bartlett; Treasurer, W. N. Roundy; librarian, E. L. Thayer.

For the first time in a number of years Trinity will this spring send several men to Mott Haven. She has one short distance runner who, it is claimed is nearly, if not quite, the equal of Brooks and Baker.

In the Massachusetts legislature which has just assembled, the president of the lower house, Mr. J. Q. A. Bracket of Boston, is a Harvard graduate, and the president of the senate, Mr. A. E. Pillsbury, also studied at Harvard.

The trial of the Fort Popham shooting case, by which Frank Smith, an '84 man, was shot and killed over two years ago, still drags on in the courts. The judge has reserved his decision and the court has adjourned until Jan. 17.

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