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Captain Wrightington has issued a call for candidates for next year's eleven, and has especially asked that men should come out who have never played before. Here then is the chance that is needed to make an effort to root out the spirit of individualism of which we spoke in an editorial yesterday morning. Here is a chance to show that the enthusiasm which characterized the football meeting on Thursday night was as truly deep and sincere as it appeared to be. Let men for once throw aside every private interest and come out and work for the University with all their might. We have learned the lesson of defeat thoroughly, and it is time we showed that we can teach as well as be taught. We have lowered our colors too many times already, and we must win next fall. We can win too, if every man puts his shoulder to the wheel and does his utmost to lift our athletics out of the rut into which they have fallen.

Every student in this University who is physically capable of playing football should feel that he is included in Captain Wrightington's call for candidates, and if he can in any way afford to give the time to it he should offer his services to the captain on Monday. It is much better, however, that men who are not willing to work hard even under discouraging conditions, should not come out, for the team has no use for them. The men that are wanted are those that have pluck and perseverance, and are glad to work hard even though they may not have any chance of playing on the eleven. Such men can have the satisfaction of feeling that they have helped and helped materially to turn out a first class team.

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