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The '89 Class Report.


By the courtesy of the secretary of the class of '89, the sheets of statistics from his first report have been placed at the disposal of the CRIMSON. Extracts from these statistics will be of general interest.

The number of men receiving the degree of A. B. or S. B. in June, 1889, was 213. Thirty-nine men were associated with the class as special students, and forty-seven others were at various times during the course connected with the class as regular students, but for various reasons failed to graduate.

The geographical distribution as regards birthplace and residence of those receiving degrees is shown by the following table:

New England, 123 126

Middle States, 49 53

Southern States, 5 5

Western States (East of Mississippi River) 19 18

Western States (West of Mississippi River). 10 11

Outside the United States, 7 0

213 213

This table is interesting in that it shows the strong tendency of graduates to settle, at least temporarily, in the sections from which they have come to college.

The following table gives the probable occupations of the members of the last four classes, and shows that business and law gets about the same number of men each year, proportionately to the size of the classes:

Class of 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889

Business. 46 53 55 41

Law. 51 60 56 51

Medicine. 53 17 22 12

Teaching. 16 23 15 30

Ministry. 4 8 7 9

Physical Science. 6 3 2 3

Journalism. 8 8 10 5

Architecture. 2 1 8 2

Engineering. 1 3 2 5

Mining. 0 1 1 0

Various others. 26 6 9 6

Undecided. 19 27 30 42

Not heard from. 11 29 18 7

223 239 235 213

The strength of the different political parties in the last three classes is shown by this table:

Class of 1887. 1888. 1889

Republican. 98 85 94

Democratic. 28 56 54

Independent. 61 62 45

Prohibition. 2 1 4

Free Trade and Tariff Reform. 0 1 4

American. 1 1 0

None or undecided. 20 15 4

Not heard from. 26 14 8

236 235 213

The average age of the class at commencement was 22 years, 8.88 mos; the age of the oldest member was 49 years, 3 mos; that of the youngest, 18 years, 8 mos. Fifteen men in the class were over twenty-five years old; 121 were between 22 and 25; 72 were between twenty and twenty-two, and five were under twenty. The average age was unusually high, being more than a year above that of the preceding class.

The most interesting tables given are those showing for each year. and for the whole course, the percentage of marks in each grade assigned to the class. These tables show that the number of men getting high marks increases in a most gratifying manner the longer students remain in the university. The tables, which speak for themselves, are given below:

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