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Rabbi Zarchi Confronted Maria Ressa, Walked Off Stage Over Her Harvard Commencement Speech

Concerts in the Union.


The concert given last night by graduates in the Living Room of the Union was enthusiastically, received by a large audience. The songs by S. Sullivan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology '80, who took the place of H. W. Brown '95, and "Danny Deever" by J. S. Codman '90, were especially popular.

L. S. Thompson '92 and A. J. Garceau '91, who conceived and arranged this concert, are planning for another which will probably be given during the last part of February.

The first of a series of "pop-nights," which will be held from time to time during the year, has been arranged for Tuesday, December 13. The University orchestra, under J. W. Johnston '05, will play the football songs, and refreshments will be served.

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