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Songs for Yale Game




Fair Harvard! thy sons to thy jubilee throng,

And with blessings surrender thee o'er,

By these festival rites, from the age that is past,

To the age that is waiting before.

Oh relic and type of our ancestors' worth

That has long kept their memory warm.

First flow'r of their wilderness! star of their night,

Calm rising thro' change and thro' storm.

Farewell! be they destinies onward and bright!

To thy children the lesson still give--

With freedom to think, and with patience to bear,

And for right ever bravely to live.

Let not moss-covered error moor thee at its side,

As the world on truth's current glides by;

Be the herald of light, and the bearer of love,

Till the stock of the Puritans die.


Look where the Crimson banners fly!

Hark to the sound of tramping feet!

There is a host approaching nigh,--

Harvard is marching up the street!

Onward to victory again!

Marching with drum-beat and with song,--

Oh, hear the refrain!

As it thunders along--as it thunders along!

Behold! they come in view!

Who wear the Crimson hue--

Whose hearts are strong, whose hearts are true!

Ever to Harvard! Ever to Harvard!

And Harvard's glory shall be our aim,

And through the ages the sound shall roll,

When all together we cheer her name.--

When we cheer her with heart and soul!


We say--Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

There's never an Eli can teach us to play!

(Spoken) Harvard! Harvard! HAR-VARD.

See the bleachers blue turn pale with fright,--

Send a cheer across to bleach 'em nice and white!

Oh! Look at the way we smash and rip 'em through

While the Blue Bull Dog howls--"Boola! Boola! Boo!"

Let out your voices now so loud and hale,--

"Tis a funeral ode we sing to Eli Yale.

Oh! Give us a yell--(pause) "Hi! Hi!" for Harvard--

For the C-R-I-M-S-O-N to-day. J. H. Densmore '64.


Raise the Crimson ensign to the place it held of yore!

In the loyal spirit that shall live for evermore!

The sun will set in Crimson as the sun has set before,

For this is Harvard's Day!


Glory! glory for the Crimson!

Glory! glory for the Crimson!

Glory! glory for the Crimson!

For this is Harvard's Day!


The cheers from the Harvard hosts ring high,

While the Crimson banner's streaming;

Lift the Crimson glory to the sky

Where the sunset red is gleaming.

And our hearts beat fast for old Harvard.

To her name shall her sons be ever true

Long live--her glorious fame!

Long live--her glorious fame!

(Everybody up).

Then stand, and raise, your colors on high

On! on--to victory!


O'er the stands in flaming Crimson

Harvard banners fly.

Cheer on cheer like vollied thunder

Echoes to the sky.

See! The Crimson tide is turning--

Gaining more and more.

Then (spoken) fight! fight! fight!

For we win tonight

Old Harvard forevermore!   R. K. Fletcher '08.


(Tune of "Our Director.")

Hard luck for poor old Eli!

Tough on the blue;

Now, altogether,

Smash them and break through!

'Gainst the line of Crimson

They can't prevail.

Three cheers for Harvard!

And down with Yale!



'Gainst the line of Crimson

They can't prevail.

Three cheers for Harvard!

And down with Yale!

Rah! Rah! Rah!

Harvard! Harvard! Harvard!

Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah!

Rah! Rah! Rah!

Harvard! Harvard! Harvard!


Fighting, fighting for old Harvard,

For the glory of her name.

Plunging, plunging toward the goal line,

Harvard's sons must win the game.


Cheer, then, cheer them on to victory,

While every loyal heart beats high.

Harvard to you we'll e'er be true,

And for YOU we'll DO or die.   P. H. Daggett '07.


Hit the line for Harvard,

For Harvard wins today.

We will show the sons of Eli

That the Crimson still holds sway!

Sweep down the field again,

Victory or die!

And we'll give the grand old cheer, boys,

When the Harvard team goes by.   R. K. Fletcher '08.

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