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Prof. Kuehnemann's Lecture Trip


Professor Kuehnemann will leave Cambridge on January 23 for a three-weeks' lecture trip in the Middle West. During the week commencing with January 25 he will lecture at the University of Cincinnati on Goethe and Schiller; on January 27 he will speak at the celebration of Emperor William's fiftieth birthday in Cincinnati. On February 1, 2, 3, and 4 he will lecture at Washington University, St. Louis, on "The Spirit of the German Drama." Before the Germanistic Society of Chicago he will lecture on Schiller's "Words Conception in his Dramatic Masterpieces" and on "Intellectual Relations between America and Germany." On February 10, at the University of Columbus, Ohio, he will lecture on "Frederick Hebbel." The following day he will speak at Cornell on "The Young Goethe." On February 13 he will lecture before the Association of High School Teachers at New York on Goethe's "Iphigenia" and "Tasso." He will return to Cambridge February 14 or 15.

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