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With a view to enlightening those who take their first final examinations during the next few days, we broach once more the subject of cribbing. Whatever the stand taken by certain men in regard to weekly papers, there unquestionably is a sense of moral turpitude attached to cheating in these examinations which are such an important factor in final grades. The temptation to cheat in the finals is of course proportionately stronger, and weighs particularly upon men whose connection with the College depends upon the outcome. None the less, complaints almost never reach the College Office, and in the past three years only two instances have come to our notice. We do not attribute this to the supervision of proctors, which by no means renders impossible the use of blotters on which the necessary facts or formulae are written, but to the universal feeling among the undergraduates that such underhand practices are dishonorable. Cribbing distinctly is not tolerated. Offenders in most cases are, and in all cases should be, held up to scorn.

We thoroughly disapprove a recent article in the Lampoon, the moral of which was that we should all cheat did we not cower before threatened rustication. The tone of the paper is of course not serious, but such a treatment of the subject even in mocking vein is to be avoided as dangerous and apt to mislead. Were such a sentiment prevalent, we have no doubt that cheating would tend to become more instead of less common.

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