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University Team in St. Nicholas Rink on Feb. 18.--Practice With Freshmen.


It was officially announced last evening that the Harvard-Yale hockey game will be played in the St. Nicholas Rink in New York on the evening of Saturday, February 18. There had been some delay in the final decision owing to a desire on the part of the University management to play the game in the Boston Arena. This was found to be impossible, and the game will go to New York where it has been played in past years.

Although the championship does not depend on this game, it promises to be the closest of the remaining contests in the league series, as by winning from Harvard, Yale will tie with Harvard for second place.

University Practice Yesterday.

The University hockey team practiced in the Arena last evening with the Freshman team. Low back boards were placed one-third of the way up the rink, making the playing surface the same length as the St. Nicholas Rink.

The University forwards were given a thorough drill in formation work and passing, going down in pairs against a defence. After this preliminary work the University team lined up against the Freshman team, and were able to score 3 goals in the 15 minutes of play. The team-play of the University forwards showed improvement and the listless attacks of the Freshmen were easily stopped by the defence. Duncan, Childs and Seamans scored. The University team then played a second 15-minute period against the substitutes. Clifford and Palmer, who are still ineligible for the first team played the centre positions for the substitutes. The play was very fast during this period and the University team was forced to play a more defensive game. Neither side was able to get the puck free and both teams covered up well in the scrimmages. As a result, no score was made.

The line-up in the Freshman game follows: UNIVERSITY TEAM.  FRESHMEN. Childs, l.e.  r.e., Williams, Duncan, l.c.  r.c., Sortwell Huntington, r.c.  l.c., Adams Seamans, r.e.  l.e., Hopkins Foster, c.p.  c.p., Wingate Blackall, p.  p., Willetts Chadwick, g.  g., Carnochan

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