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1913 Class Album Reviewed


The Class of 1913 may will congratulate itself, first on the election of committee whose work merits the keenest appreciation, and second because of the Album itself. In the quantity and quality of its pictures, in its literary matter, as well as in its nominal coast to the individual, the Album is on par with any of its recent predecessors.

The individual class picture in this

Year's Album surpass all previous records for completeness, there being thirty-seven more than in the 191 Album. This feature is by far the most valuable of the work, and considering that but 80 faces are missing out of a possible total of 657 Seniors registered, one is convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that large classes and co-operation are a distinctive Harvard trait. From book plate to finis the cuts and pictures are well arranged and valuable, embracing all the athletic interests of four years, together with all the equally interesting undergraduate groups-- literary, dramatic, and musical. In addition the captains of the major sports team have reviewed four years of their respective sports, and the class presidents have rehearsed the events of each year in the life of the classes.

On a conservative estimate, it would cost the individual $1500 to collect and merely reproduce the photographs alone, leaving out of considerations their value when associated with name and data, so the reported prices per copy, $6.00 should be regarded as a valuable investment in the best materialform in which a four year's record of college life and activity can be presented

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