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Photographic, Business and News Editorial Men Report Monday.


The fall competitions for positions on the board of the Illustrated start at the office of the magazine, 1284 Massachusetts avenue, Monday evening at 7.30 o'clock.

The photographic competitions are open to members of the classes of 1919 and 1920. The work consists in covering the doings of the University with the camera, developing plates and making enlargements in the magazine's new dark room. At least two men from each class will be taken on at the end of the competition before mid-years.

The business competitions are open to members of 1919 and 1920, and the work consists in getting advertisements, subscriptions and a certain amount of clerical labor. With the innovation of offering a renumeration on a percentage basis men of business ability have a splendid opportunity.

The news-editorial competition is open to Sophomores and Juniors only. Under the bi-weekly schedule, the competition is conducted along the same lines as the metropolitan daily and gives men a valuable insight into newspaper and magazine work. Ability to write clear, forceful English and plenty of original ideas are the requisites. Three positions are open to 1918 and four to 1919.

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