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Twenty-Five in This Country Under Exchange System of Belgian Relief Commission


Twenty-five Belgian graduate students have come to this country to enter various American universities this fall, under a fellowship exchange plan worked out by the Educational Foundation of the commission for relief in Belgium, of which Herbert Hoover is chairman. In addition one Belgian student has enrolled at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Twenty-two American graduate students have gone to study in Belgian universities in accordance with this exchange arrangement. All travel expenses of the Fellows are paid by the Educational Foundation; tuition fees are remitted by Belgian and certain American universities; and in addition the Fellows are granted funds for living expenses during the scholastic year as follows: to Belgians entering American colleges, $1000, and to Americans entering Belgian institutions, 10,000 francs.

Four of the 25 are coming to the University. Fritz Bremer, graduate of the Medical School of Brussels University, who is to specialize on nervous diseases; George Feys, graduate of Louvain, who is to study dentistry; Maurice Pieters, a student of pedagogy; and Edouard Saerens, a chemist.

Yale will get two men, Princeton two, and Columbia three. Two are to study engineering at Cornell and four will be at the University of California. Leland Stanford will get two. The others will be distributed among the various state colleges throughout the country.

Of the 22 Americans now studying at Brussels. Louvain, Liege, Ghent and Mons, three are from Harvard and one from Radeliffe. The Harvard men are T. B. Spaulding '20, L. Torrey '18 and J. L. Zimmerman '17. Miss B. V. Brown is the Radeliffe graduate.

This exchange of graduate students is the first to be effected by the C. R. B. Educational Foundation, which is organized to advance higher education in Belgium and to foster closer relations between Belgium and the United States. A similar Foundation in Belgium is the outgrowth of the extensive Hoover relief work in that country during the war, and is financed out of funds remaining in the hands of the commission after all relief work was finished. Grants from it have been made for the endowment of the four Belgian universities at Brussels, Louvain, Ghent and Liege, for the School of Mines at Mons, and a Colonial School.

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