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Offence Ploughs Through to 15 to 0 Win After Being Held to Safety in First Half


The 1929 eleven turned in its first victory of the season Saturday when it defeated Exeter, 15 to 0, on Soldiers Field.

Held to two points in the first half, the Freshman eleven smashed through the visitors' line for two touchdowns in the closing stanzas. It was sweet revenge for Coach Campbell, whose 1928 outfit was beaten by Exeter last fall.

The New Hampshire schoolboys, who have yet to win a game, put up a plucky fight but were outclassed. In the first half the stubborn Red and Gray defense checked the Crimson First-Year Men's attack several times. It was after one of these repulses that Harvard made its first score. Ellis, the Exeter quarterback whose running last year was too much for the 1928 team, was tossed behind his goal line by Prior for a safety.

A 15-yard penalty against Exeter set the Crimson machine going in the second half, with Cunningham and Mills, reserve backs, doing the bulk of the work, the 1929 team ploughed down the field and finally Cunningham, a former Milton player, scored, the first touchdown of the season. He failed to kick the goal.

Forward passes featured the second scoring drive by the Freshmen. A toss from French, who starred at Worcester, to Porter led up to the tally. Another pass, French to Putnam, put the ball across the line and French added the extra point.

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