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Perry, Bingham, Worcester, Are Among Those Who Will Discuss University Problems at Meeting


For the annual meeting of the Board of Overseers of the University to be held in Cambridge today and tomorrow, a comprehensive program of business and speeches has been planned. Several prominent men in the University will speak on subjects connected with their department or of general interest to the college.

The annual conference will open with a business meeting in the Faculty Room in University Hall. This will be followed by talks on "Health and Physical Training" by Dr. Alfred Worcester '78, Henry K. Oliver Professor of Hygiene, and W. J. Bingham '16, Director of Athletics.

After a luncheon at the Business School the Overseers will inspect the new Business School buildings; following which they will meet in the court-yard of the new Fogg Art Museum. There they will be addressed by professors of various departments.

Prominent Men Will Speak

Professors Bliss Perry Hon. '25, K. B. Murdock '16, E. A. Whitney '17, and T. L. Hood '08 will give brief talks on the use of English by students. The aims and character of the Department of Fine Arts will be discussed by Chairman G. H. Chase '96, Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Dean G. H. Edgell '08, who will proside at the meeting, then will discuss the Schools of Architecture and Landscape Architecture. After singing by the Glee Club under the direction of Dr. A. T. Davison '06, Professor P. J. Sachs '00 will give the final talk of the afternoon. He will talk on the new Fine Arts Museum. For dinner the Overseers will be the guests of President Lowell.

On Tuesday morning another business meeting will be held, followed by a description of the administration of the University's expenditures. At 1:30 o'clock members of the Board will be the guests of the Harvard Club of Boston for luncheon.

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