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Church Says It Did Not Authorize ‘People’s Commencement’ Protest After Harvard Graduation Walkout


‘Welcome to the Battlefield’: Maria Ressa Talks Tech, Fascism in Harvard Commencement Address


In Photos: Harvard’s 373rd Commencement Exercises


Rabbi Zarchi Confronted Maria Ressa, Walked Off Stage Over Her Harvard Commencement Speech


Various Clubs Plan to Use Every Lawn in Yard for Seniors--Bishop Brent to Conduct Appleton Services


The names of the nine Assistant Head Ushers from the Junior class were announced last night by Madison Sayles '27, chairman of the Class Day Committee. They are: H. C. Bartlett, H. W. Bragdon, Langdon Dearborn, D. E. Garrison, A. A. Holbrook, E. B. Jackson, V. O. Jones, J. L. Pool, C. A. Pratt, H. W. Sayles, and Moses Wiliams.

These men will assist W. A. Magie '28 who is head usher and will have charge of the ushering at Sanders Theatre on the morning of Class Day and at the Stadium in the afternoon.

It was announced at the same time that Bishop C. H. Brent, of Buffalo, New York will conduct the services in Appleton Chapel at 9 o'clock June 21.

There will be seven spreads held after the Class Day exercises at Soldiers Field. These will be given by: The Phillips Brooks House, the rear of Stoughton Hall, Speakers' Club, Wadsworth Lawn, Kex Club, north of Holworthy Hall, Pi Eta Club, at the Pi Eta Club, Phi Kappa Epsilon, west of the Old Fogg Art Museum, Falcon Club, east of the Old Fogg Art Museum, and a Private Spreead to be given by E. H. Bailey '27, behind Hollis Hall.

Further arrangements for the Class Day program will appear at a later date in the CRIMSON.

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