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Instruction Interrupts Scrimmage Often--Signal Drill Features Early Session


Scrimmage and more scrimmage has been the treatment prescribed by Head Coach Arnold Horween '21 for his gridiron charges during the last two days. Despite the fact that they have been in uniform little more than a week the red jerseyed athletes have already encountered the Black Shirts in two long scrimmage sessions.

Wednesday the regulars pounded the scrub line for five touchdowns and then yesterday afternoon were called upon to put their prowess to the test again. The result was more than an hour and a half of much regulated and much interrupted scrimmaging, with the University backs wading through sterner opposition than they had met the day before for two touchdowns. The score was 14 to 0, but the score meant very little since the location of the ball at the beginning of each offensive drive was determined entirely by the coaches. Anywhere from their own 20 to the Seconds' 30 yard line the University backs were put in motion toward the opposing goal line. Sometimes they were held by the Black Shirts and either compelled to surrender the ball or start over again, giving up all their gains. They netted, however, a total of 13 first downs which is a better indication, because of the irregular nature of the scrimmage, of their power than the score itself.

Forward Line Impregnable

But if the scrub defense was stiff the University forward line was impregnable and it was only when A. O. Fordyce '28, scrub end, intercepted a pass that Coach Knox's men were able to make any considerable gain. The first University score came with team B on the field. With the ball in his own territory G. C. Holbrook '30 kicked short and the pigskin went to the second at mid-field. S. C. Burns '30 then intercepted a pass and covered the 50 yards necessary for a touchdown. G. E. Donaghy '29 put the ball between the uprights with a placement kick. In scoring their second touchdown the regulars showed evidences of sustained power, carrying the ball from their own 20 yard line the full 80 yards for a score. Holbrook, S. C. Burns, and Donaghy did the carrying. Holbrook going off tackle for a final gain of 15 yards.

Signal Drill in Morning Session

In the morning session yesterday Coach Horween limited work to signal drill the first eleven lining up as follows: John Prior '29 and G. K. Brown '29 ends; C. A. Pratt '28 and F. A. Clark '29, rackles; Daniel Simonds '28 and Guilford Stewart '28, guards; R. W. Turner '28, center; D. V. Kelley '28, quarterback; David Guarnaccia '29, J. P. Crosby '29, and T. G. Moore '29, backs. The same team, with the exception of W. W. Lord '28 and B. H. Strong '28 at ends, went in at the start of the afternoon scrimmage.

The substitutes were sent in individually, instead of in teams, in the following order: ends, G. K. Brown '28 and John Prior '29, R. H. O'Connell '30 and J. L. Coombs ocC, J. G. Doughlas '30 and G. L. Lewis '30, James Lawrence '29 and F. A. Pickard '29; tackles, J. E. Barrett '29 and H. L. Levin '29; guards, B. C. Tripp '28 and David Shaw '29, B. W. Norris '28 and G. I. Shapiro '28, H. L. Morris '30 and John Parkinson '29; centers, Dudley Bell '28, A. E. Bigelow '29, and B. H. Dorman '29; quarterbacks, H. W. Burns '28 and W. B. Jones '28; backs G. E. Donaghy '29, S. C. Burns '20, W. R. Harper '30, J. V. M. Hitch '30, G. C. Holbrook '30, T. F. Mason '30, F. J. Schwentker '28, and D. L. Garrison '28.

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