
Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor Talks Justice, Civic Engagement at Radcliffe Day


Church Says It Did Not Authorize ‘People’s Commencement’ Protest After Harvard Graduation Walkout


‘Welcome to the Battlefield’: Maria Ressa Talks Tech, Fascism in Harvard Commencement Address


In Photos: Harvard’s 373rd Commencement Exercises


Rabbi Zarchi Confronted Maria Ressa, Walked Off Stage Over Her Harvard Commencement Speech

Gill Will Speak on Norfolk Plan on Sunday, in Brattle

Committee Announces Sponsors For Public Meeting


Howard B. Gill '13, who has withdrawn as superintendent of Norfolk Prison, will speak at a meeting to be held next Sunday evening at 8 o'clock in Brattle Hall. The purpose of the meeting is to inform the public about the Norfolk Prison Plan. It will be sponsored by Dr. Richard Cabot '89, Professor of Social Ethics and Clinical Medicine, Emeritus, of the Harvard Medical School, John R. P. French '04, Headmaster of the Cambridge School, C. J. Friedrich, Associate Professor of Government, Reverend Leslie Glenn of Christ Church, A. N. Holcombe '06, Professor of Government. Dean Clarence Skinner of Tufts College, and Mrs. Henry Wise of Cambridge. The meeting will be open to the public. The student committee on arrangements consists of F. DeWolfe Bolman '35, Raymond Dennett '36, Comstock Glaser '35, Malcolm Knowles '34, Russell Olsen '35, and John F. Spencer '34.

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