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Golf Team Meets Dartmouth In First League Game Today

Opens Season With Barely a Week of Practice


Opening its schedule with barely a week of practice behind it, the Varsity golf team travels to Worcester today to seek its first victory in the Eastern Intercollegiate League against Dartmouth.

Although Coach Hodder's lineup is probably only temporary, since rain has prevented any serious golf, or a comparison of the candidates during the past week, three veterans headed by Captain William E. Sibley, III '35 and three newcomers will compose the starting combination. Those to face the Green are Robert C. Hunter, Jr. '36, William E. Sibley, III '35, George E. Enos '37, Mansfield Branigan '36, David H. Sears '36, and Charles S. Bellows '37.

On Saturday the Varsity will match shots with Holy Cross at Worcester, while the Jayvees will meet Tufts at the Unicorn Country Club in Stoneham.

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