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Harriers Oppose Green, New Hampshire This Afternoon

Varsity Race Will Be Run Over 4 1/2 Mile Course on River Bank


Varsity and Freshman cross country teams in their second meet today as they meet the combined forces of Dartmouth and New Hampshire.

The Varsity race will be run over a 4 1/2 miles course starting at the horse track on the Stadium side of the river and finishing at the Newell Boat House also on the Boston bank of the Charles. The Freshman course will be about 2 1/2 miles long, starting and finishing at the same place as the Varsity.

Because of their dismal showing in the Holy Cross meet two weeks ago and their failure to show any great improvement in the handicap meet last week, the Crimson harriers can not be rated as top heavy favorites, especially since the New Hampshire contingent is usually strong enough to carry a decided threat to Harvard. Little trouble is expected from Dartmouth.

The races start at 3.45 o'clock. The whole Harvard squad is starting while New Hampshire is sending down 14 entries and the Green 19.

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