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Poll Shows That Three-Quarters of Undergraduates Support Isolationism

300 Hear A.S.U. Official Announce Results as 75 Attend Peace Rally of H.A.W.C.


Even if England and France were being defeated, 78 per cent of Harvard's undergraduates would oppose United States' participation in the European war, it was revealed yesterday afternoon at a Student Union peace rally.

To an audience of 300 in the New Lecture Hall, Bert Witt, Secretary of the American Student Union, read the results of the recent H.S.U. poll of 1800 undergraduates, 95 per cent of whom are against immediate American entry.

Final tabulations showed that Harvard students stand nearly four to one behind the recent Neutrality legislation, favor by a very narrow margin an immediate peace conference, but are opposed by a somewhat wider margin (236 votes) to American participation in such a conference.

Student sentiment also favors anti-war profits legislation, extension of the Good Neighbor Policy boycotting Japan, and legislation to protect civil liberties, the poll revealed.

Earlier in the day, 35 students at a Harvard Anti-War Committee peace rally in Sanders Theatre followed David Todd 2G in repeating the Oxford pledge, binding themselves "not to support the United States in any war that it may undertake." About 75 students attended the meeting.

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