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5 Senior Faculty Members To Retire From University

Two Members Leave Professorial Chairs


The retirements of five faculty members, william Ernest Hocking, Carl N. Jackson, Henry A. Yeomans, Worth Hale, and jeremiah D. M. Ford was announced by the President and Fellows of Harvard Collegge over the weekend. The first four will take effect August 31 and the last will become effective September 1.

Professor Hocking, retiring as Alford Professor of Natural Religion, Moral Philosophy, and Civil Polity, has been associated with the University constantly since 1901 when he received his bachelor degree, except for the few years in which he held professorships at the University of California and Yale. He began teaching in 1904 as an instructor of Philosophy in the Andover theological Seminary, taking over in the capacity for the University in 1905.

From 1906 to 1913 he taught at the University of California as instructor, assistant professor, of Philosophy. Following this he held s professorship at Yale for two years, then at Harvard for six and back to California where he held a mills Professorship.

During the first world was he held a position in the War Department, accepting the Alford Professorship after the Armistice. He is now the holder of five degrees.

Retiring as Eliot Professor of Greek Literature is Carl Jackson who has held that post since 1937. Professor Jackson received his A.B. from Harvard in 1898 and began teaching in St. Paul's School in 1902 and has been teaching at the University for the past 37 years.

Professor yeomans is retiring as professor of Government. He recieved his bachelor's in 1900 and has been associated with the University over since, both in the department of Government and as Dean of the college.

Worth Hale, retiring as associate Professor Pharmacology at the Medical School, has been there since 1908 and was once Acting Dean. Professor Ford, a holder of degrees from several Universities in foreign countries is retiring as Smith Professor of the French and Spanish Languages.

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