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Council Appoints Blinken Editor of 1950's Red Book


Editor of the 1950 Freshman Red Book will be Robert J. Blinken '50, of Yonkers, New York, and Matthews Hall, Arthur C. McGill '48 of Student Council announced last night. Chosen as business manager for the Yardlings' first post-war yearbook was Donald M. Landis '50, of Elizabeth, New Jersey, and Matthews Hall.

Twenty-five applicants for editorial positions appeared at the Union yesterday in answer to a call by the Council, with the final decisions having been made by McGill, who edited the '48 Red Book, Frederic W. Hickman '48, assistant editor of the '48 book, and James F. Ryan '49, editor of his class' Red Book.

Chosen on Experience

Blinken was judged most experienced of the candidates, having edited both his school newspaper and literary magazine and the Horace Mann School in New York City. Selection of fellow editors and board members will be left to him, the Council asserted.

Landis, who will head the ad-getters and handle the Red Book's financial worries, was business manager last year of the "Mirror" at Andover. Neither of the appointees is a veteran.

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