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Plenary Session of U.N. Laboratory Discusses World University Tonight


Students from almost 25 nations will discuss the problems of an international university tonight in the first plenary session of the newly established United Nations Laboratory in Paine Hall at 7:30 o'clock.

Climaxing six weeks of intensive preparation, the meeting will deal with the manifold obstacles besetting the formation of a world university, and will come forth with its own suggestions for handling the problem. Its report will be published and distributed to members of the United Nations on Monday, April 28.

Rupert Emerson '21, associate professor of Government, will highlight the Laboratory's discussion with a 15-minute talk on the significance of the international school in a peaceful Europe. After four committees deliver reports on the aims, obstacles, and practical aspects of the university, the entire session will join in a group discussion of the problem.

A three-man committee, headed by Otto von Meving 2nd 1G, will compile the results of tonight's discussion, which the United Nations Council will publish.

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