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Shapley Will Keynote Series of Speeches on Astronomy Next Week


Amateur star-gazers will get a chance to learn the inside story of astronomy in a series of "Open Nights" at the College Observatory beginning Monday, April 21.

Harlow Shapley, Paine Professor of Practical Astronomy, will open the series next Monday with a lecture on "International Astronomy." Professor John C. Duncan of Wellesley will follow on Friday, April 25, with a talk on "The Nebulae."

Carl A. Bauer's "An Illustrated Story of the Moon," on Monday, April 28, and "Telescopes and How They Are Made," presented on Tuesday, April 29 by the Amateur Telescope makers of Boston will complete the series.

If the weather permits, the talks, which Observatory officials assert will be of a "short, non-technical" nature, will be followed by telescopic observation.

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